EFI Live 16-22 2.8L Spade ECM Tune Switching Instructions

How to switch tunes on your 2.8L Duramax


Tune Switching for a 16-18 truck using the SPADE:

  1. Make sure your DSP4 tune is installed.
  2. Plug the SPADE into your truck using the OBD cable with the ignition on.
  3. Toggle over to Tuning Tool, press ✔️.
  4. Toggle down to Switch Tunes, press ✔️.
  5. Toggle to DSP4 and press ✔️.
  6. Toggle down to the tune number you wish to switch to and press ✔️.
    (This can also be done with the switch itself plugged in)

*If you get a Tune Switched Failed message reselect your tune and retry the tune loading operation.*


Tune Switching for a 19-22 truck using the SPADE:

  1. Plug the SPADE into your truck using the OBD cable with the ignition on.
  2. Toggle over to Tuning Tool, press ✔️.
  3. Toggle down to Tune Tool, press ✔️. 
  4. Toggle down to Program Calibration and press ✔️. ( You may need to choose program full instead if this is your first time loading a tune)
  5. Toggle down to the tune file you wish to load, and press ✔️.
  6. Wait for tune to load and follow the onscreen prompts then you are good to go.
    (This process should take a few min)


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