MM3 Requesting And Adding A Vin License

This will help you obtain the proper file to request and add a vin license onto your device.



Requesting a vin License:


1. Start by making sure the MM3 is up to date before you start the vin license process.

(To check this, power up tuner go to main menu, look at bottom left corner of screen. You should see a software number like this MM3000F. Next, compare this number with the current update here:

2. Once tuner is up to date you will need to go to the main menu, config tools, (arrow up), unlock codes, request licenses, select number of licenses you want (+1, +2, +3,) and then press order now. This will create a file on the root of the SD card named UCR.MM3, this is the request file.

3. Now exit out of all selections until you get back to main menu. Power down the tuner by turning off key or unplugging it from trucks diagnostic port.

4. Remove SD card from top left corner or monitor by lightly pushing down on it. It will unclick and you can remove it.

5. Insert micro SD card into SD card adapter that came in the box, or any other card adapter you may have, and connect it to computer via usb port.

6. Open up file explorer and retrieve the UCR.MM3file from SD and copy it to the desktop

7. Once you have the file saved please email to with your order information and name.
Adding a Vin License:
1. To use your new vin license start by saving the UCC.MM3 file from the email to your computer.
2. Copy and paste or drag and drop the UCC.MM3 file onto the root of the SD card. (the root is the same area where the UCR.MM3
file is located)
3. Reinstall the Micro SD card into the MM3, go to the main menu, click settings, scroll
up or down until you find unlock codes and select unlock codes, then select Install Unlock Codes.
4.  Your vin license has now been added and you are ready to use your MM3. (If something isn’t working as described above then make sure you DO NOT select the buttons to
request a new VIN license but instead contact us for assistance.)