EFI Live Stock File Reading Instructions

This article will walk you through pulling the stock files off of your truck prior to tuning. (only lbz or lmm customers need to send in stock trans reads)

Only the following controllers can be read:

LB7(01-04): E54 for the engine | AL5 for the transmission
LLY(04.5-05): E60 for the engine | AL5 for the transmission
LBZ(06-07): E35A for the engine | A40 for the transmission
LMM(07.5-10): E35B - Engine | (07.5-08 for the A40 transmission) or (09-10 for the A50 transmission)
LWN(2.8L): E98 for the engine | T43 for the transmission 
  1. Plug your Spade into the OBD2 port and turn the key two clicks forward to Run (Key on, engine off)
  2. Using the arrows, toggle to Tune Tool, hit
  3. Toggle to Tuning, hit
  4. Toggle to Read Tune, hit
  5. Toggle to the appropriate controller, hit ✔ to start reading
  6. While the ECM is reading, a Progress bar will display for the user to visually track the read.
  7. When the read process is complete the saved file name will display. Select X to close this message
  8. The Reset Controller notification will be shown, and the controller reset process will begin.
    1. Turn the vehicle ignition Off.
    2. Click on X to begin the countdown timer.
    3. DO NOT turn the vehicle ignition on until the countdown timer expires.  This time is critical to allow the ECM to perform internal functions after a read operation.
  9. When the countdown is finished you can move onto your other controller, begin flashing your MOD files if you have them, or unhook from the vehicle and send the stock file(s) in to be saved and/or modified.
    1. Stock files can be sent via email to stockfile@duramaxtuner.com 
    2. Please include your first and last name, VIN, order#, tire size and inclusive list of modifications 

To avoid corruption, please do not rename your read files.